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June 28, 2018 - Priya Rajan

How UML Detects Fraud and Abuse in the Digital Era: Yinglian Xie at the Microsoft Startup Showcase

As a featured speaker at the Microsoft Startup Showcase, DataVisor Co-Founder and CEO Yinglian Xie discusses the growing scale and sophistication of online fraud and abuse.

As a featured speaker at the Microsoft Startup Showcase, DataVisor Co-Founder and CEO Yinglian Xie discusses the growing scale and sophistication of online fraud and abuse, and describes how unsupervised machine learning is uniquely capable of fighting it at scale.

In her presentation, Yinglian also discusses how she met her Co-Founder Fang Yu at Microsoft, and chronicles the ongoing growth of online fraud and abuse. Finally, she offers insights into how DataVisor’s unsupervised machine learning engine can detect coordinated, sophisticated attacks where other methods fail.

To learn more about DataVisor’s approach, please visit our Technology page.

about Priya Rajan
Priya Rajan is CMO at DataVisor. She is a highly-regarded leader in the technology and payments sectors, bringing more than two decades of experience to her role. She has previously held leadership roles with high-growth technology organizations such as VISA and Cisco, and Silicon Valley unicorns like Nutanix and Adaptive Insights.
about Priya Rajan
Priya Rajan is CMO at DataVisor. She is a highly-regarded leader in the technology and payments sectors, bringing more than two decades of experience to her role. She has previously held leadership roles with high-growth technology organizations such as VISA and Cisco, and Silicon Valley unicorns like Nutanix and Adaptive Insights.