Intelligence center E-books

Fight Fraud in a Mobile-First World with Device Intelligence

A deep-dive into mobile fraud — and how to stop it.

  • Detect emulators, botnets and rooted devices with high accuracy
  • Generate accurate risk scores and device IDs, despite fraudsters changing parameters
  • Protect data privacy with edge computing and advanced encryption
  • Create a frictionless customer experience with a lightweight SDK
Put an End to Mobile Fraud

Today’s fraudsters target mobile and web applications with advanced techniques — bots, emulators and hooked devices — to slip by legacy rules-based solutions that are not designed with mobile-first device intelligence in mind. The only way to combat sophisticated attacks targeting mobile devices is with real-time device intelligence.

Read this guide to learn how DataVisor’s mobile-first device intelligence solution leverages machine learning and automation to increase fraud detection by flagging suspicious devices with 99% accuracy — to stop mobile fraud at the gate.

Fight fraud in a mobile-first world with Device Intelligence ebook cover

Ideal for fraud strategists

  • Get ahead of fraudsters sophisticated mobile attacks and prevent revenue loss
  • Understand how AI can detect fraud patterns on mobile devices and catch it
  • Learn to use device intelligence as an asset in the fight against fraud
datavisor machine learning

About Datavisor

DataVisor is recognized as an industry leader and has been adopted by many Fortune 500 companies across the globe.

DataVisor is the world’s leading fraud and risk management platform that enables organizations to respond to fast-evolving fraud attacks and mitigate risks as they happen in real time. Its comprehensive solution suite combines patented machine learning technology with native device intelligence and a powerful decision engine to provide protection for the entire customer lifecycle across industries and use cases.